More data = Better Management

The Cape Breton Fish Harvesters Association is concerned about the recent increase in Striped Bass in the waters around Cape Breton. Alarm bells are being sounded by smelt harvesters, lobster harvesters, and recreational fishers. They are voracious eaters preying on our important economic and endangered species (see CBC article).

DFO has valid reasons for restricting the Striped Bass recreational fishery and have a page dedicated to supporting their decision. The Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population of Striped Bass are assessed by COSEWIC as Special Concern, the Bay of Fundy population as endangered, and the St. Lawrence River population is extirpated (but subsequently reintroduced). Between all populations, Striped
Bass are confirmed to spawn in only a few rivers: the St. Lawrence River, the Miramichi River, and Shubenacadie River (see DFO profile).

The CB Fish Harvesters Association asks all anglers to help collect data on these species. More data improves management decision-making. Please consider taking a moment to fill out our data sheet when you’re fishing. If you would like to also participate in a scale sampling project from the Striped Bass Research Team, Acadia University, and please contact us and we will mail you a few scale envelopes. Scales are used to identify population of origin, and sometimes to age fish!


Recreational Fishery Rules:

Maritime region

  • Size: 68cm (27in) or longer (measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail).
  • Number allowed: 1 per day
  • Possession limit: 1 in possession (if you have one at home, you can’t keep another even if it is another day, but you can catch and release)
  • Season: All year (with some gear and bait restrictions)

Gulf Region

  • Size: Window of retention: 50cm (20in) to 65cm (25.6in)
  • Season: tidal waters April 15 to October 31; inland waters May 1 to September 15 (*inland waters of the Miramichi River system: from April 15 to October 15);
  • Number allowed: 1 per day April 15 – June 14 and Sept. 1 – Oct 31; 2 per day June 15 – Aug. 31.
  • Possession limit: 1 from April 15 – June 14 and Sept. 1 – Oct 31; and 2 from June 15 – Aug. 31